At 6something am, probably 20mins before my alarm rings, he called. I thought i overslept or something. You woke me up! We are suppose to meet @ Bangsar McD because i stay in Bangsar hehe my friend Kalai was a bit late (she suppose to fetch me) and he was early, so i believe he waited about 30 mins. Sorrrieeeeee...
We packed breakfast from McD and drove off. Ohhh and he thought i knew the way (i only knew probably 70%), so the girls had to lead hehe but that wasnt too hard!
Drifting is quite an expensive hobby, so as expected there will be rich fellers driving chun cars.
not passionate about cars and i know nothing much about cars but i like mx5 (since sometime ago).
used to like white integra type R tooHuai Bin is in the car behind me hehe
but i find yellow car cooler :P
ooh oooh this is going to be another lame joke but guess what brand is my t-shirt?! i shall review it at the end of the post
Yea, thats him-Phat Fabes; he won the coolest announcer award in Shout Award
is really interesting to watch them drift but its also very hot and boring at times (because they will be practicing same thing over and over again), wanted to jump in one of the car for fun but i didnt ask :S so i went camwhoring awhile...
at least i get to pretend that im drifting ...wth?! :P
and whats this?
i called it 'tepi longkang flower'
dont laugh, i love it when i was younger hehe
Here's another video that Huai Bin did not share with u...
not him drifting but the trainner
he started off with one donut, then two writing no.8!
After sunbathing for so many hours, i ended up buying him dinner because i lost the bet! gracious
*Answer: Chanel
Why?: because its Chanel no. 5 :P
Haha! I have NEVER lost that bet. Never. :)
PROFESSIONALS (you know who I mean) have even conceded to it.
why didn't u drift?? ahaha
why oh why? it looks cool, worth to try! :D
Huai Bin: hehe okay i lost that bet!
Bryanlyt: because i no $$$ :P lol the course is freaking expensive!
Yuli: worth to try but one day group lesson will be around rm2k :P hehe
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